Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I think I have just done my most stupid thing since arriving here- and it had nothing to do with my french.

I managed to get black pen all down my front (I knew there was a reason I used a fountain pen with washable ink when I was younger). And stupid though that was I managed to make it worse- I though I'd go and try to wash it out straight away. So I went of to the loos, shut myself in a cubical and tried to get the ink out. Some of it came out- but only some. Not only that but we don't have electronic hand driers here but hand towels instead. So not only do I still have a couple of lovely black ink blobs on my light green top but it top is also rather soggy!! So I'm sitting here is a soggy top wondering how on earth I'm going to get it dry. Thankfully I managed to wet ther entire front so with my zip-up hoodie on it all looks the same colour (so not so wet). But I want to have the top done up when people are around to hid the ink stains. But then if I do that how is is ever going to dry? So much for all the common sence I thought I had!

Aside from my damp clothing I'm not doing too badly. By midday yesterday I was feeling pretty good (health wise) and the evening was reasonably productive. I hooked my tiny radio up to my redundant computer speakers to get a decent sound. Then I tidyed my room a bit, and had a look at my french grammer book. I got this thing ages ago to help me with my french, but I just keep forgetting to do the exercises. So I sat down and did a couple of pages of that.

Oh yeah and walking into work this morning I saw my friend Dolphin from church. He works at Philips as well. I knew he worked here but in my two and a half months I hadn't seen him once! But he caught up with me as we were walking in this morning and I started my day with a little chat with him which was very nice. He was also talking about the fact the Philips is closed for a week at christmas for safety inspections. So it looks like I'm not going to have to use up all my holiday just to get back for christmas :)

Monday, August 29, 2005

Well what can I tell you about this weekend? Well I can tell you that I spent almost all of it in bed!! Unfortunately I haven't been very well. I have had a splitting headache and a high temperature. I managed to venture out twice since friday evening. The first was to lug my computer down to the computer shop over the road to see if they could do anything for it. This of course was highly amusing as my french 'computer talk' is not fab and neither of the guys there spoke good english. However we managed and they said that it looks like I'm going to have to re-instal windows. They were also iffy as to the health of my current hard-drive and there is a chance that I might have to replace that! Had we been in england I would have said "thank you very much" and taken it back home and got someone to help me do that myself. However I figured that being in france, not really knowing any computer boffs that I could ask to come and take a look at if (and no the people at work do not count coz I don't know any of them enough to ask for help- and I'm not lugging that great thing all the way to work!) it was safer just to let there guys do it for me. So I'm paying 89€ for the re-installation and a new hard drive will be an extra 59€. I checked with Dad who said that was not extotionate so I have just left them to it. Now here is the really annoying bit though, I can't have it back for another week! So here I am stuck in bed with no computer- so no mindless solitaire or watching any DVDs and worse still I only have half my book left!!! So sunday afternoon saw me just a little bored and twiddling my thumbs slightly!

My other adventure out was to church on sunday morning. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have gone but it was the choirs debut performance. Not only that but as we were singing 'Amazing Grace' in english, with me doing two verses as a solo- they couldn't really do without me. Thankfully the performance went fine and even though most of the congregation was sitting stony faced (they seem to do that most of the time) a couple of people still came up afterwards to say that they enjoyed it. After the service I think I might have upset a couple of people but refusing to kiss anyone hello, but to be honest I really didn't want to give anyone anything (I have no idea if I was infectious or not but I didn't wanna risk it). So rather than explain to everyone that I was ill I just headed home.

Today I'm much better than I was on saturday and sunday. My temperature seems reasonably normal and I have made it into work safely. I'm hoping with the remainder of my stock of Tesco paracetamol I can safely make it through the day. Might slip of home a bit early though.

Wow it's amazing how much you can write about such an uneventful weekend! LOL

Oh yeah the ony other thing I wanted to mention was that my Dad has managed to put up his photos from Esther and Dave's wedding on to the net. click here to take a look.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Isn't it strange how you can hear a song after not hearing it for years and yet still remember every single word. This is a phenomenon I have come across lots since being in France. All the radio stations here play some really old and random songs (like a version of morning has broken!!??!!). And I find myself singing along to things I can't have listened to for a silly long time. But the really funny one was today I was listening to capitalfm (over the net) and every morning they have a little competition where they play songs from different years and you have to guess which years they are. Ne who one of the songs they played was a spice girls song and I found that not only did I know all the words, I didn't miss a single entry. Actually maybe that is not something I should admit to!!! But it made me smile.

In other new... *news reader Sarah shuffles her papers on the desk* Yesterday I hopped on a tram up to 'Café des Images' (aka the cinema) to see 'The Jacket' with Adrien Brody and Keira Knightly. I haven't quite made up my mind yet as to whether it was a really good film or just a good film- but that's nothing unusual for me. I can say though that I left with a smile on my face and I did enjoy it.

Also yesterday we had a couple of guys here at work from... well originally I thought they were german but now having thought about it they might have been dutch (I didn't ask, I'm going on the sound of the language they spoke to each other). It was actually really nice having them here for several reasons. Firstly I was not the newest person here. Secondly english was the primary language spoken rather than french so I understood way more than normal. Thirdly I got to be helpful. They wanted to use the test board and software that I have been working with so I got to help them set it up and run their tests for them :) It was nice to feel like I actually knew something!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Today I'm pining for the loss of a dear friend. Yes my dear little computer has given up!!! It loads up to a point (the white screen that says "Windows 2000, built on NT technology) and then re-sets and starts booting up again.

I spent all evening yesterday trying everything my Dad and I could think up:

  • un-plug everything that is attached (usb etc)
  • clean out the fan (got a huge amount of dust from it but it didn't help)
  • try starting it in safe mode
  • remove all the ethernet and modem cards
  • un plug all the cd/dvd drives
  • remove one of the memory cards
  • unplug the hard drive (this one just made it complain lots)

In the end I had to retire to bed, dusty, tiered and still with no working computer :(

I have through this learn a HUGE amount about the workings of my computer and now understand several things that before I would have just 'smiled and nodded' at. But I still don't have a computer! Luckily there is a computer shop over the road from the Foyer. I'm hoping that if I take it in they can do things like test the power supply for me. I think I'm going to have to wait until Saturday to go in though coz it probably won't be open when I get back from work.

On a plus note I did work out what I can do about the whole cable problem. Because I can only have dial up, and so can only use the net OR my phone, I can just disconnect the telephone cable from my phone handset and plug it straight into my modem!! WOOHOOO (OK just got to have a working computer now).

Wow that was bizarre there was just a huge down pour outside that lasted for all of about 10 seconds. The weather has been going seriously crazy recently. It just can't make up its mind!! LOL- just like england :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Well today's weather is completely the opposite to yesterdays. It was gloomy and cloudy in the morning (so of course I wrapped up) and now it is a beautiful blue sky with fluffy little white clouds. It is very strange.

So my latest project is trying to get internet in my room. I was always planning to do it but then discovered the broadband here at work. Unfortunately for me Philips have just decided to resrict certain internet sites, to free up bandwidth, stop employees browsing when they shouldn't and remove any naughty sites. So all the little things that I used to use (such as MSN and web messenger) now don't work. It is a bit annoying.

I asked Cathrine yesterday how to get internet in my room, but all she could say was "Yes it is possible but I have no idea how it works. Ask Brigitte" So I have to wait until wednesday evening to find out what I need to do. I think I'm going to have to get a new cable as well- I have the weirdest phone socket ever in my room (plus I only have my ethernet cable here- think I left my dial up cable on the shelf next to the phone in my house in guildford)

Thankfully though geocities has not been blocked (at the moment) so I can keep posting until I get the net set up :)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Lundi 22eme août

Today is not that much fun. Firstly it was a gloriously sunny day when I woke up so I put on my summery clothes. But now it is chucking it down (and is quite cold too). Secondly I am faced with two progress report thingies. I have to do one every two months for my department and one per month for the Leonardo scheme (a wonderful scheme with provides extra funding for people doing placements abroad). The Leonardo one is worse coz it is a self assessment kind of thing. I have always been rubbish at that! I'm really stuck on what to write about. they want me to "White about an experience. Try to avoid merely describing an event. Concentrate on what you have learned about an aspect of your development and how well you handled the experience" Seriously I have not a clue what to put!!!!

Workyness aside I've had a good weekend. The weather has been fab- lots of hot sunshine. saturday I did my usual catch up on sleep then did some laundrey (how sad is my life that laudrey is worth mentioning!!). Then headed out to the shops. The Choir are going to be singing in church next sunday and we are all going to be wearing white tops and black trousers. So I went out and bought my self a white top. I also got a lovely summery dress. I hope the sun comes back soon or I won't have a chance to wear it again :(

Sunday evening I was very brave and went to see Mr and Mrs Smith- in french!! Dispite the vast amount of french I have learnt since arriving I still followed almost non of the dialog. Thankfully though it is the sort of film that you can follow simply through the action. It was actually quite good. I would like to see it in english when it comes out though.

Sunday a load of the youth went round to Daniel's house. Daniel and Betty are an american missionary couple who originally set up the church. Daniel is now officially stepping down from his pastoral role in the church and the youth wanted to say thankyou for all that the pair have done. We sang a couple of songs and then everyone sat around eating nibblybits and chatting- very nice :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Mardi 16eme août

Well I am now back at work after a wonderful 4 day break. I have just spent the weekend back home in good old London.

On Friday I backed up my bags and wheeled my little suitcase down to the train station here in Caen ready to catch my train to Paris St Lazare. From St Lazare I was then going to catch a bus to Paris Nord, the euro star to London Waterloo and then train to Norbury. Me being me I of course arrived about 45 mins early for my train at Caen but had no need, the journey was amazingly easy and I arrived in Paris safe and sound 2 hours later. I had managed to get directions to Paris Nord of the internet and a little map showing where the bus stop was. I discovered however that because I had got my map of St Lazre from the return journey plan I actually had the wrong bus stop. However I was determined not to get flustered and I got onto the next number 26 bus that appeared (that's the number I was told to get) and asked how to get to 'Place Franz Lizst' (that is the corresponding bus stop by Paris Nord). The bus driver was absolutaly lovely and explained that I needed the bus going in the opposite direstion. However the bus route ended in about 2 stops so he said I could stay on the bus so that when it turned around to go back (in the direction I needed) I would already be on the bus. I guess that was way easier for him to do that than try to explain to this little english girl how to find the other bus stop.

So anyway I arrived at the euro star terminal and worked my way through check in. It was really bizarre hearing some much english again. And in fact I started to get quite annoyed at everyone talking to me in english- I was in France so should speak french. Of course as soon as I sat down on the train I realised that I had been carrying my British passport, so it wasn't really very suprising that they had spoken to me in english.

Once on the euro star I had two seat to mayself as no one came to claim the seat next to me. So I sprawled out and fell asleep- I missed the entire tunnel! It made me laught though to realise that the way you can tell which side of the channel you are is to listen to the PA announcements. When in France they put the French version first and once in England the english version goes first!

Pulling into Waterloo I had the most stupid grin of my face as I saw names and places I knew- Batersea power station, The london Eye, the gurkin (dunno what it's real name is but it looks like a big glass gurkin), Big ben. It was weird to look round the carrage and not see everyone else getting excitined that we had arrived. Newho to cut a long journey short (or rather the story of the journey) I arrived home safe and sound at about 5:30.

Saturday was Esther and Daves wedding (there is a seperate entry below for that) but it was a fantastic day (if a little tiering).

Sunday was church and a family afternoon. The Monday was back off to the train sation again. It was quite nice really as Mum and Dad took me to the station and we managed to pick up Pippa on the way (Pippa is a friend from St Andrews and Tenisons). So got to chat to Pippa on the train to Clapham junction which was a nice suprise. Journey back was pretty dull (story wise that is). I bought a copy of Dan Browns Angels and Demons to read on the train. I think it is much better than the Da Vinci Code. That might just be because theologically I agree much more with what is said in this one. I have nearly finished it now!!!

Then work today. I can't quite believe I'm back. My trip to England already seems like such a long time ago.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Wedding

Well the wedding.... WOW

I have put some of my photos up on the photo's page for those that want to see them. Unfortunately coz I didn't want to get in the way of the 'real' photographers I didn't get many of the formal poses.

Ne who Before I left for France Esther and Dave had asked me to sing 'The Lord's My Shepherd' during the signing of the regestry. In later e-mails I found out that a friend of Dave's called Kat was also singing a song and they wanted the two of us to do backing vocals for each other. This was fine except that I had never met Kat and as I was coming back on Friday there was very little time to practice. So Kat and Andy (was was playing guitar for us) arrived at a bit gone 11 on Saturday morning to practice. Thankfully not only were they both absolutaly lovely, but both Kat and I made our parts fit really quite easily. So the two of them stayed for a couple of sandwiches before we donned our dresses (or suits) and trundled off to church.

The church was fantastically decorated. I think it was Alison Gilbert who designed the decoration, I really hope she is free to do mine!!!

As Two thirty approached Kat and I both became extremely nervious. Normally I don't get particularly nervious, but this was a wedding and in many ways it mattered so much more than anything else I've ever done. Now teo thirty came and passed with no sign of the bridal party. It is a well known fact that Pierce time does not always coincided with everyone elses time, so most people were unserprised (though I would have hatted to be Dave at this time). Thankfully though at last they arrived (25 mins late but hey). Rather than 'Here come the bride' song they had Don Potter Making ready playing accompanied by a power point slide show of photos of Dave and Esther once the show had finished the bridal party made it's entry. The first two to come into view were Hannah and Sarah. These two have been my best friends since about year 3 and I've known them my whole life. They looked so beauiful adn I must say that I struggled not to burst into tears from that point on.

Dave and Esther had their own vows to say. I had always thought that it was much better to keep the traditional vows, however after seeing (well hearing) just how right and appropriate their vows were I have changed my mind. I can't remember the words themselves, but they were so 'them', they really worked.

We had worship led by my little brother (it was soooo mice to understand the songs again), and a little talk from Dunk the Hunk.

Then it was the signing of the regestry and Kat and I were on. Dave knows both our voices really well and he did well to put us together. Our voices really suited and the performace went of, not with out a hitch, but smoothly. Everyone afterwards was shocked that we hadn't been practicing for weeks.

Due to the rain (smelly rain) the main photos were done inside the sanctuary. Not idea lighting wise but hopefully there will be some good shots.

Then it was the 'tea'. There were little sandwiches, cakes, scones (with cream and jam) and a Jazz band playing in the atrium. It was really nice, especialy as I got to sit with Hannah Buckingham and Nick, both of who I haven't spoken to in ages. I went to High school and College with Hannah and haven't seen her since going away to uni (she is a friend of Dave which is why she was there). Nick used to come to Lewin but moved up to Scottland and a new job a couple of years ago, I only see him at christmas new years time when he comes down. So that was really nice. It was a typical wedding atmosphere with everyone being really smiley and friendly.

After tea it was back into the sanctuary for the speaches. We had a fab mix of comedy and serious (and soppy). And finally we saw the bride and groom off from the front of the church and began the clean up operation.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Jeudi 10eme août

I finally have some work to do!!!! It's very exciting. I have managed to spend the last... 2 weeks finding stuff to occupy myself. I have been waiting for various people to get back from holiday befoe I could start. But now they are back and I have lots of fun stuff to do.

The other VERY exciting news is that tomorrow I shall be back in good old england. It Esther Pierce and Dave Taylor's wedding on saturday and I'm back in town for that.

I'm getting a train from Caen to Paris, then the euro star from paris to waterloo. It's a little bit scary coz I have to get from Paris St Lazare to Paris Nord. I have found a map on internet on how to get there. I have to get a number 26 bus!! At least I have been to Paris before so at least some of it might look slightly familiar. Actually I don't think it will, I manage to avoid most of the big landmarks on my bus ride. Oh well.

I spoke to my parents yesterday (first time in two weeks!!!). The family are all safely back from Ukraine and all looking forward to having a good meal.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Lundi 8eme août

This has really been a thinking weekend. On Friday evening at choir practice, Armelle (the girl who really took care of me when I first arrived) said that she is thinking of leaving the church.

She said that she can't stay in a church that is so... lacking in passion. To be honest I know what she means. In the morning service songs are sung and it is all nice and pretty (in fact they make a fantastic sound) but it is all 'oh this is nice.. let's sing some pretty songs' and not 'Oh my word, God is amazing and I just wanna praise him with all I've got'. She wants a much more charasmatic church with more energy.

This got me thinking a lot. I can see potential in the church, she is not the only one who wants more of the Holy Spirit in the church. But change is always hard and I also think it would be alot of hard work to get the church to pick up and move.

I don't want her to go :( it just wouldn't be the same without her.

But the next choir practice (sun afternoon) was hugely different. I turned into a big worsh and jammin session (much like the youth band would do at lewin). We just flicked through books and sang what took our fancy. It was so much fun :) a fair few of the songs they sang in french and I sang the original english words. but I'm picking up a number of french songs so I kept switching between the two depending on which I could remember!!

Sunday evening I decided that my poor little bike had been sitting alone in the courtyard for long enough. After dusting it off I went for a short ride round the town. It was wonderful to cycle along side the water in the evening sunshine.

I did wake up with a sore backside though. lol. Oh well I guess I'll just have to do it more often to get myself accostomed to riding again.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Mercredi 3eme août

Wooohooo. For like the first time since arriving here I actually followed the conversation at lunch... and joined in!!!! Everyone else was quiet and listened as I said my piece (though I think that was coz they were all so suprised that I had spoken). I darent imagaine what colour I went but my cheeks were burning! Oh well I said something, that made sence and fitted. I'm a happy little bunny. Oh btw the convo was about vegetarians. they were comenting on how hard it is for vegetarians in france and how in england there is a fair bit for them. I told them that even the restaurants in england have a vegetarian section, it's not just the supermarkets.

Another random thought. I have decided that I really quite like having my french keyboard here at work. Most of the time it sent in english mode, which is highly amusing when I get one of my colleuges to help with something. They start typing but find that some of the characters don't match up. Poor things get a bit confused. I had however improved my touch typing no end. Then of course with a quick 'alt-shift' it's back into french. It makes doing accent etc VERY easy. éèçàôû. hee hee.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Lundi 1er août

Righty ho, did a fair bit this weekend :)

Friday night was youth group. What with so many people being on holiday and various people not being able to make it this week it was quite a small group, but good non the less. It is quite strange going from Lewin where the youth group is mainly girls to coming here where each week the guys have outnumbered the girls!

Saturday I had a stupidly lazy morning (as in I didn't see any of it!!). Work coupled with a late friday night finished me off very effecttively. Apart from the one week where I set up my bank account I don't think I've actually managed to get up before mid-day. Then I did a load of washing, left it in a soggy pile in my room and went out for a wander. I bought my self a new puzzle :D and I still haven't managed to do it!

Saturday evening I went and had dinner at Claire's house. Claire is the pianist for the choir, and her mum was the first person to come and talk to me when I arrived at the church. It was really nice to have a family dinner. I now have a huge simpathy with exchange students. It is really hard sitting there and not knowing what to say to the people around you, or if you can think of anything not knowing how to say it. I think If I'm ever home and the boys have an exchange person to stay I will try allot harder to make conversation. Dinner was quite to start with but once Claire's brother and sister had gotten used to me being there it was much like dinner at home. Both parents speak a bit of english so if I got really stuck they could help out, but both spoke french to me the entire time.

I did discover that decribing my hobbies in french is actually quite hard. Trampolining is not as common (I've even found some people who have never even heard of it!) and it is also not classes as a sport. I have managed to get some very funny looks from people when they ask what sports I do and I tell them trampolining. But the really hard one is St John Ambulance. There is nothing like it over here, the closest is the red cross. First aid laws are very different over here so there is not the need for the mass first aid traning that goes on in england. And there are many little phrases that I so often use in english I just can't even begin to translate- like 'going on duty'... even if I translated the words I doubt it would help. But anyway it was a good evening.

Sunday morning was church, then back home for some pasta. The wandered back to church for choir practice. There was a tiny problem though- no one had thought to get the church key before the guy who normally brings it went on holiday- oops. So we all went to Laurent's house to... actually I have no idea why we went there but we sat chatted had a drink and then went home for some more pasta!

Sunday evening I went for a seaside stroll with Beinvenu and Boris. After the last 'walk' I told them that I much prefer gental walks along the beach, so they said they would take me next time they went up to the coast. So we drove to Ouistreham and set off for a walk along the sand. It decided to start raining pretty much as soon as the sea was in veiw. However we continued on regardless and had a fab time. The two of them are real jokers and lots of fun. They can laugh at really silly things and just generally have fun. It is also the type of humor that is not bound by language- i.e. silly walks and mimes of chrlie chaplin style swiming. So needless to say I had a good laugh with them.

Was completely bushed when I got home (at about 11:30) so I slept like a log ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz