Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Wedding

Well the wedding.... WOW

I have put some of my photos up on the photo's page for those that want to see them. Unfortunately coz I didn't want to get in the way of the 'real' photographers I didn't get many of the formal poses.

Ne who Before I left for France Esther and Dave had asked me to sing 'The Lord's My Shepherd' during the signing of the regestry. In later e-mails I found out that a friend of Dave's called Kat was also singing a song and they wanted the two of us to do backing vocals for each other. This was fine except that I had never met Kat and as I was coming back on Friday there was very little time to practice. So Kat and Andy (was was playing guitar for us) arrived at a bit gone 11 on Saturday morning to practice. Thankfully not only were they both absolutaly lovely, but both Kat and I made our parts fit really quite easily. So the two of them stayed for a couple of sandwiches before we donned our dresses (or suits) and trundled off to church.

The church was fantastically decorated. I think it was Alison Gilbert who designed the decoration, I really hope she is free to do mine!!!

As Two thirty approached Kat and I both became extremely nervious. Normally I don't get particularly nervious, but this was a wedding and in many ways it mattered so much more than anything else I've ever done. Now teo thirty came and passed with no sign of the bridal party. It is a well known fact that Pierce time does not always coincided with everyone elses time, so most people were unserprised (though I would have hatted to be Dave at this time). Thankfully though at last they arrived (25 mins late but hey). Rather than 'Here come the bride' song they had Don Potter Making ready playing accompanied by a power point slide show of photos of Dave and Esther once the show had finished the bridal party made it's entry. The first two to come into view were Hannah and Sarah. These two have been my best friends since about year 3 and I've known them my whole life. They looked so beauiful adn I must say that I struggled not to burst into tears from that point on.

Dave and Esther had their own vows to say. I had always thought that it was much better to keep the traditional vows, however after seeing (well hearing) just how right and appropriate their vows were I have changed my mind. I can't remember the words themselves, but they were so 'them', they really worked.

We had worship led by my little brother (it was soooo mice to understand the songs again), and a little talk from Dunk the Hunk.

Then it was the signing of the regestry and Kat and I were on. Dave knows both our voices really well and he did well to put us together. Our voices really suited and the performace went of, not with out a hitch, but smoothly. Everyone afterwards was shocked that we hadn't been practicing for weeks.

Due to the rain (smelly rain) the main photos were done inside the sanctuary. Not idea lighting wise but hopefully there will be some good shots.

Then it was the 'tea'. There were little sandwiches, cakes, scones (with cream and jam) and a Jazz band playing in the atrium. It was really nice, especialy as I got to sit with Hannah Buckingham and Nick, both of who I haven't spoken to in ages. I went to High school and College with Hannah and haven't seen her since going away to uni (she is a friend of Dave which is why she was there). Nick used to come to Lewin but moved up to Scottland and a new job a couple of years ago, I only see him at christmas new years time when he comes down. So that was really nice. It was a typical wedding atmosphere with everyone being really smiley and friendly.

After tea it was back into the sanctuary for the speaches. We had a fab mix of comedy and serious (and soppy). And finally we saw the bride and groom off from the front of the church and began the clean up operation.


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