Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mercredi 20eme juillet

How embarrasing is it when your stomach won't shut up!?!?

I was sitting in my office after lunch today and my stomach keep making, what I can only assume were "Thanks for the grub" noises. I was sitting there wondering if Alan (the guy that shares my office) could hear it. It was so loud I imagaine the answer is yes! :S

Well yesterday was fun. In the evening there was a bible study and prayer meeting at the church. I followed a good bit of what the guy was talking about, which is always nice. After that the youth had a bit of a meeting about the choir. They were deciding on organisational things and the like. And bizzarely I followed most of that as well. It was a good day for French really.

When I got back to the foyer I handed in the itinery for my new room (after checking the definition of a couple of items). I also handed in my RIB (that's a piece of paper with all my bank details on) to get my housing benifit. Bridgette then comented on how much my french has improved since I arrived. I guess I haven't noticed it as much because it has been gradual for me but I have learnt so much. Unfortunately there is still LOADS to learn, oh well I've still got 10 1/2 months to get it under my belt. hee hee.

Oh and an especially good thing is that I've been given some useful work to do. It is all very well reading the documentation for the project to make sure you know what is going on. But until you know what you are going to be doing with the information it is quite tricky (and rather dull). So I'm happier at work now.


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