Friday, July 08, 2005

Vendredi 8em juillet

Rahah St John are doing first aid at the olympics. This was taken from the sja site this morning:

Picture removed to save space

hee hee.

Saw the stranges this earlier (OK well maybe it wasn't the strangest, but it was certainly bizarre). Just as we were going to lunch I looked out the window and saw a tram driving down the street, not running on any rails and not connected to any overhead power lines! (V sorry if you don't think this is quite a strange as I did but I just had to tell you guys). This road is just the other side of the site boundry fence right outside our window. However the tram lines (on which you would normal expect to find a tram) are the other side of a large car park. You see the secret is that the trams in Caen are kinda only half tram. Most of the time they run on a single rail drawing their power from their overhead power lines. But when say they need to turn off the power to a section of track for maintainance purposes, or in the even of a power cut, they have back up power on board. The can run on their own. I had known this fact since my first week, but even so it really took a while for me to work out how on earth this tram had come to be sitting in the middle of the road!


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