First pay check!!!! My supervisor has just come in a handed me an envelope with a nice little check for 559.95€ so I'll have a bit to cushion out my bank account when I go back on saturday. :)
Well yesterday evening was um... fun! I got a letter in my pigeon hole on monday saying that I needed to go and speak to the ladies in charge about changing rooms. Apparently my room needs painting. Perhaps I have been a students too long and have got used to shabby paint work, but I think it is fine. Anyway yesterday I went to go and speak to one of them. Unfortunately it was Cathrine that I spoke to. She is
not very concidereate of my lack of understanding- she speaks very fast and is rubbish at finding different ways of saying things. But I spoke to her anyway. I was left after the conversation with the belief that I needed to go upstairs and pack my stuff up, and she would phone up to my room later to arrange the move. So I went and packed up my things, and waited, and waited. In the end I went down stairs again (would have phoned but phones are scary in english let alone french). There I ran
into Brigitte- the nice Lady who had helped my fill in all my forms etc. She explained very clearly (admittidly with the help of a guy standing nearby who spoke some english) and said that I needed to change rooms, I could go back to my old room afterwards if I wanted etc etc. However the big difference was that she said it would be a week to 10 days before I move! I was not impressed. I had put all my
effort into packing up (and I hadn't eaten anything at that point- about 9). Was not good. So I went to MacDs and indulged myself in a lovely burger!
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