Thursday, June 16, 2005

I have now officially been living on my own, in France for a week now! And actually I've managed much better than I thought I would. Food has been alrightm generally I have been so hungry at meal times that I eat all sorts of strange things- had far too much undercooked meat! I have held (what you could almost call) conversations with several people (in French of course) and sorted out all the paper work for the
housing benifit I can get.

Things at work are thankfully much better now than they were on the first day (but that can be expected- first days as a rule are rubbish!). So Sarah is a much happier bunny :)

I wore my capacitor earing today (made from old components in the lab) and got a great reaction! It always makes me smile to see the look of shock on people's faces when the realise what they are, hee hee

Got dinner tonight with Peter (the student I'm taking over from), my 'boss' and Seebold (a prof from surrey). Should be interesting.

I'm gonna miss Peter next week- Tomorrow is his last day as he is going back to England on... Tuesday I think. He is absolutaly lovely and is the only person here that I have really talked to. Everyone can speak english, but they don't. I guess this way my French has a chance of improving, but it makes for an unusually quiet Sarah (bet you all wish you were here to see that!)

Ne who should probably get back to doing some work. Well I say work, I've really just been sat down with a simulator, a little camera, tons of reading and I've been told to play (to get familiarised with the project). But I have been writting this in little chunks while waiting for one of my computers to finish loading the new settingsm so I can see what they do. I have two computer you see, coz I'm special. It's great except I keep mixing up the mice and getting very confuzzled when my little pointer doesn't move

Au revoir


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