Thursday, June 09, 2005


Main news: I have arrived!!!!!!

This is the hardest entry I have written yet- for several reasons. Firstly I got to the end of my little rainbow of colours (so had to work out if I was going to start again from the begining, or work backwards). Secondly I have a bit of a headache from trying very hard to remeber my GCSE french (french people speak very quickly!!) hee hee. And lastly I have the joys of writing on a french key board!!! This is not too bad, as most of the letters are in the right place- but not all of them (so please excuse any odd looking spelling mistakes).

So what can I tell you about my last two days....

Yesterday my dad and I left home at 6:10 and drove down to Portsmouth to catch a ferry at 8:30. The ferry journey was fairly non-discript except for the wonderful chance we got to see a coast guard helicoptor. They were obviously filming for something (the camera man hanging out the window was a huge giveaway!!). But they flew litterally meters from the ferry, filming the boat and us all waving at them- It was quite a treat.

Then came the long drive to Caen (and we only variated from our intended route once!). Finally we arrived at the place where I am staying. We walked in and in out broken French, anounced out arrival. The lady on the desk had no idea who we were, or that we should be coming! Luckily it didn't take long to sort everything out, and I am now happily installed in room 2.20

The evening saw Dad and me sitting outside a little resaurant, in the evening sunshine, on the cutest little cobbled street, eating steak and jacket potato. Resaurants are great- but it can take a heck of a long time to work out what is on the menu. And even after you half an hour, you can still get it wrong. The lovely 'cold meats' that my dad assured me I was ordering for starters, turned out to be the largest plate of salad I have ever had. Luckily he had the right word for steak, and although I smothered mine is sauce so I could see the lovely partially cooked pink insides, it was rather nice.

This morning was breakfast in a little cafe, a shop for cleaning materials and a bit of food (the essential milk for my tea).

And then I waved au revoir to my dad. So now I am all alone!

The facilities here are not bad, fairly similar to standard university accomodation. There is no broad band in the rooms, but apparently I can get dial up. However there is a little room with three computers, all of which have broadband access. I think there about 160 girls here though, so they might get quite busy durring the evenings. We shall have to wait and see. Other than that I haven't really explored much. I will try to have a poke around soon and post up some
photos so you can have a look.

Anyway, I think I have rambled on long enough for one day. I shall now go and finish unpacking all my stuff, but never fear I shall write again soon.


If anyone does want my full address please e-mail me (see the "links" page)


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