Woohoo I have internet access at work again!!!! I have done my last few entrys at work (the main reason being that I am too shattered after work to even think of doing anything other that blobbing). However my new work account hasn't had internet access until this morning, so I couldn't post anything :( So this entry will be a kind of catch up
Tuesday saw Peter leaving the office *sniff* so we all had cider and nibbles in one of the meeting rooms as a little fairwell party. It also saw me get my new account open - good thing to as I had been using Peter's up until then and obviously with him gone that would have been tricky.
So I finally have a working account, some real work to do and no idea how to do it! lol. It is programming in C++ which is a more advanced version of C (hence the +s). Unfortunately I've only worked in C before so although I understand most of it there are some bits the working of which are still a complete mistery.
Tuesday evening was the Caen music festival. I don't really know what organisation goes into the day, but in the evening the effect was that the streets were lined with "buskers". They weren't really busking though (I only saw one bucket all evening) they had just taken to the streets and were playing their music. I am going to try to remember to put some pictures of this up some time because it really was
extraordinary. Every few feet there was a new group of musicians. I'm not just talking a lone man and his violin, this was entire bands- full drum kit, several guitars, keyboard and singers. Each with their own sound system, some with a lone amp and some with stacks of speakers that would make stage crew proud. The streets were rammed full of people just wandering up and down and listening. The range of
styles was incredible: little boys and their 'bands', bigger boys still in their 'bands', rappers, a marching band (inc. cymbols, drums and xylaphones (I know they weren't really xylaphones, but I can't remember their proper name)), french rap artists, metal bands (not made of, just performing), native american pan-pipes
and regge. However easily my favorite was a group of drummers. The group ranged in age from about 11 up to 30ish with almost 20 people each with a .... eek I can't remeber the name for those either! well they were african drums. But the noise they made was fantastic, and they kept up constant playing for 15 minutes at a time. If you have ever tried to play a hand drum really loud and with any kind of complex
rhythm you can appreciate that this is not a little acheivement. Well anyway I really enjoyed it :)
I think I have written enough to keep you going for a bit, so I'm gonna go back to my work now.
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