as promised there are now a couple of photos of the music festival. Eventually I will turn this into a proper page with a menu option. for now you can click on the following link
Photo page
Well my big new today is that for the first time since arriving I didn't eat my breakfast alone! This might not sound like a huge deal but trust me it was. Last night Brigette (one of the ladies in charge of running my foyer) introduced me to a group of english speaking girls- two americans and an australian. They were all amazingly friendly, it was really nice if a little strange as they were all fairly fluent in french so kept switching effortlessly between the two languages. Unfortunately they are only here for another week, but they have promised to introduce me to their english friends. Apparently there is a bar not far from the foyer where "all the english people go". So anyway it was one of them that I had
breakfast with. So a huge thanks to all of you who have been praying that I will make friends- it's working :)
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