Friday, October 28, 2005

The smallest thing

Have you ever stopped and thought about the result of your actions might be?

I have always believed that the smallest thing can change the world. You never know the effect your actions or words will have on others.

You might be wondering what has made me say from my usual 'life update' to philosophical thinking. Well let me explain.
I was just reading an article on Rosa Parks who died on Monday (24th). She was the black lady who so famously refused to give up her seat to a white man on the bus. I doubt when she did it she realised the effect that it would have on the world. Although you possibly wouldn't have been able to tell me her name I bet her story stirred memories of past history lessons. I certainly remember being told her story many years ago. She has gone down in history as the spark that set off the black civil rights movement in America- just by staying seated on a bus.

Now the chances are that our actions will never make such a huge impact on the world. However your actions will always chance the world around you.
There are memories I have of off-hand little compliments that people have made that just meant so much that I can still remember them so clearly years on. The comment wouldn't have meant much to them but it meant so much to me. I remember one guy on a bus who's eye I caught while I was standing waiting for my bus. He smile and pulled a funny face. Such a stupid action, and so small, but it brightened up my day so much that I can still remember the event three years on. These people have no idea how much their simple actions have impacted my life, and chances are they never will. But they did.

Your actions can have a profound influence- use them wisely


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