Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Last week I saw a sign on the tram about a strike today and yesterday I was talking with my new friends (see below) about the fact that today is a national strike. We were all under the impression that this meant that there wouldn't be any trams or buses running today. So I (rather foolishly) decided to cycle to work this morning. Now as it turns out there are both trams and buses running today, so I'm guessing that the signs were announcing a reduced service today or saying that the trams would be running regardless. I dunno. But I was already on my bike so decided to keep going, of course forgoting just what a big hill I have to climb to get to work. Hill have a habit of completely killing me so ofter nearly dyong of exaustion and over heating I decided to leave my bike locked up two stops early (I was following the tram lines) and walking that last little bit to work in the hope that I would cool off and return to normal colour before arriving.
But I had a nice treat when I got to work. My fab friend Terri sent me a little parcel which I picked up this morning so when I got to work I had a rummage and found a little bag of strawberry laces and some marshmallows :) needless to say there are now no strawberry laces hee hee.

But now let me tell you about these new friends of mine. I was standing in the dinner line when I heard an american voice calling out from behind me to some other girls who were already sitting eating. Now not normally one to go up to strangers and start chatting I simply went and sat next to these girls and started eating. I couldn't pass up the opportunity though so after about five minutes I just turned to them and blurted out "I'm sorry but I just have to say hi. I have been the only english speaking person here for months!" I must have sounded like a right muppet but as it turned out that didn't really matter. They are all teaching assistances in french schools round here and arrived within the last week. There are both english and americans and they are all really friendly. They were all planning to go to the cinema and asked if I wanted to go to- so I did. We went to go see Broken Flowers at the Lux and it was quite nice being able to show them where to go and which tram to get etc. It was also great just to be able to chat. I have spent almost 4 months now desperately trying to think of things to say and ways of carrying on conversations, but I normally fail and have to rely on my french friends to think up conversation topics. This time however I was just chatting, about nothing in particular. I also found out that one of the american girls was at church on sunday. So the poor thing got to hear the choir!! What am I saying- lucky her. We rock!!! lol. She is busy this friday but I said I'd take her to youth group next week if she wants to go. so all in all it was a great evening. the film was also pretty good. quite artsy with some of the choice of camera shots, and the music was far to repetitive for my liking but it is a film that will make you laugh out loud and smile.
Those of you who have been reading my blog since the beginning of my french aventures might remember me mentioning a bar- o'donnels which is frequented by the english speaking community of caen. well these guys know it too and are planning to go out for a drink tonight. So after almost four months I am finally going to make it to the bar!! I will give you all an update on how barish (thank Jonathan for the
phrase) the bar is tomorrow.


Blogger Sarah said...

Very true.
but then I always used to walk up the big hills :) hee hee

3:19 PM  

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