What day is it?
I have discovered that when you wake up the first thoughts that come into your head can be the most random (and impossible) things. This morning I woke up somehow convinced that I had slept all the way through Thursday and that today was Friday. How I would have slept through a whole day, especially with two alarms set each day, I have no idea but there you go.
So yesterday I did manage to pluck up the courage to go and ask about french lessons. I went, found a selection of leaflets about language course available- was french one of them? Of course not! I could learn Chinese, English, Spanish plus a good many more but there was no french course advertised. So I had a word with the lady behind the desk, got her to understand that I didn't want to join the university, I just wanted a course. She then directed me to the language department to make further enquiries. Now of course the reception for the language department shuts at 5 (rather than the 6 o'clock of the main reception). So If I want to ask there I'm going to have to leave work even earlier!!! Smellies.
Yesterday evening I decided that rather than bumming around in my room (as I normally do) I would go for a stroll in the evening air. I had forgotten how early sunset has got and so it was a walk in the night air rather than the evening air, but it was still very nice. I wandered up to the castle which is permanently open. From up there I could see the ends of the sunset as it lit up the sky behind the Abbaye des Hommes.

After taking a couple more photos I headed back to my room and tested out my latest buy. My room is just about big enough to use it, though it can fit in my back pocket, I haven't really used one since I was in primary school but it is very good exercise, they are available in plastic or more old fashioned rope. Can you guess what it was? A skipping rope! A good old fashioned skipping rope complete with wooden handles. I have one of those plastic versions somewhere at home but never really liked them. So when I saw this in the monoprix I thought 'why not'. Like I said my room is just big enough for a good old skip so I had a bit of a go when I got back from my wander. I had forgotten how exhausting it is!!! I'm sure when I was younger I managed to skip for ages but last night I kept loosing the rhythm after about 5 jumps. I did make it up to about 30 before collapsing on my bed. Looks like I have let my fitness slip just a bit. I'm going to have to keep working at it.
Oh and btw, if anyone actually did notice (I'm very impressed, or maybe slightly worried if you did), I just got bored of bouncing back and forwards between the colours so I decided to cycle through the colours for a bit instead.
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