Wonderful morning
Such a sky you never did see!
Who will tie it up with a ribbon
And put it in a box for me?
There'll never be a day so sunny,
It could not happen twice.
Where is the man with all the money?
It's cheap at half the price!
Who will buy this wonderful feeling?
I'm so high I swear I could fly.
Me, oh my! I don't want to lose it
So what am I to do
To keep the sky so blue?
There must be someone who will buy
No points for guessing which film I was watching yesterday (Oliver in case anyone wasn't sure). And today really is a lovely morning, for a change we have blue skies and blazing sun, it's still nippy but it sure beats the rain!
So my birthday.
I must apologies for the lack of interesting birthday photos that I promised you. Unfortunately my camera was out of batteries- so I couldn't take any!!! I got Elaine to take a couple so I should be able to post a couple from Thursday evening up at some point. But for now I thought I would just share a couple of things. The first as the rather funky pen that I got.

Yes it's nemo, and he lights up when you write!!!! rather fun (big thanks to Terri for that one).

I got lots of Cards. Through out my time here I have been building up a card collection of postcards, random hello cards and now birthday cards. And my card lines are full! I have had to start another one on the other side of the room!

Thursday evening was fun, we had nibbles and drinks then all decanted out into the town. We managed to go into three pubs/bars before we found enough seats for all of us. Finally we plonked our selves down in the Dublin Cafe. It was so weird the whole place is like the tardis. From the outside it looks pretty small but once inside- it all opens up. The loos are the same, you think you card going into a single cubicle loo, but infact it goes father back than the bar itself an it actually quite big. We also got some entertaining music. I'm afraid entertaining might be the only plus I can give it. With his songs about messier X, with a wonderful repeating drum beat played off his laptop! lol.
My weekend was fairly standard.
Friday evening we managed to put the French in the minority! Many of the youth group are already from places like the Cameroon, Congo etc, so although they are French speaking (francophone) they are not French. And then Friday we had me, two Americans, two Germans and two ... I think they might have been Korean.
Saturday I actually managed to not leave the foyer at all. I slept badly so slobbed the morning away as I was feeling all washed out. Then Armelle came round for a bit. Last week I started helping her to correct her report which she is writing in English, and she came round with her little USB stick so I could have a copy and correct at my leisure. Then after making it as far and Elaine and Suzanne's to pick up the glasses I had taken round for Thursday, I ended up staying there for the rest of the day, until Elaine and I went to watch the old Charlie and the chocolate factory. It was fun deciding which bits we thought were done better in which film- and no I will not pick a favorite of the two... oh OK, I think I slightly prefer the new one.
Sunday was a choir performance. It was... OK. Unfortunately Herve forgot the rhythm at one point and so we all got out of time. Thankfully Philippe managed to chop and change the chords so they matched again by the chorus and we carried on fine. Apart from that hiccough it was fine. The choir sounded really good, we had people in thecongregationn smiling and clapping along with us, and all in all I was really quite happy with it- though I might have been the only one in the choir to think so.
The songs we are singing for the evangelism service next week are much easier and so hopefully wont present so many problems. Therehearsalss so far have been good, and they are some pretty songs.
oooohhhh andSundayy as well was the first grand prix of the season!! and we didn't have a ferrari 1,2 which was a nice start to the season. I won't say any more about it though 1- in case anyone hasrecordedd it and hasn't yet watched it (as Jon had when I spoke to him yesterday) and 2- so I don't bore those of you who have no interest.
hope you all enjoy your day :)
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