busy busy busy
OK So last week I did so much that I've split my entry in two. Saturday gets a whole entry of its own!!
Thursday was a bank holiday so I didn't get up to much during the day. However in the evening we had a party for Genevieve, who was leaving us to go back to Holland. Despite being initially forgotten by my 'lift' I got to Boris' in the end.
And boy was it a fun evening. We chatted, munched and sang. The singing started with Armelle handing round the words of a song that the choir did. We then worked our way round the room and got songs in a whole range of languages- french, english, german, breton, Creole. So many english worship songs have been translated into french that as we moved into singing other songs we cound sing them in several languages. Interestingly though in germany they often just sing the songs in english!!
Then Dolphin proposed a game of Mafia, and although there were a couple of changes it was played almost exactly the way that we play it in england. Now I don't know what phyco-analysts would have to say about it but I always find it mildly amusing that I have only ever played mafia in a group of christians!! lol.
I spent the rest of the weekend being refered to as the little Mafia- but it's just because they are jelous that I'm so good. Out of a group of almost 30 I only had a possible 3 victims left!! And there were only two mafia to start with. Ha Ha.
Friday was... quiet to say the least. Because of the bank holiday most people had taken the friday off as well so that they had a 4 day weekend. As a result there were two of us in my department (normally there are over 20). So I got to play my music out of the groovy speakers that our screens have- much nicer than headphones, and sing along :)
Saturday was a lovely day trip (see "Day tripper yeah" for more details), though it was a very long day.
Sunday was mothering sunday in france. The choir sang two songs, one of which was requested specially to accompany all the mummy's getting given a rose. It was a song that we have done a couple of times before, but we got such positive response. People loved it, and it was a really nice way of closing the service.
Sunday was also the Monico Grand prix (formula one) and what a race. I felt so bad for Kimi Raikkonen who was doing so well- untill his engine set of fire!! But Couthard got third!! I supported Couthard when I first started watching F1- mainly becasue he was the only brit in at that time. So I was dead chuffed to see him on the podium.
Sunday I also had a chat with Mum how told me that although my cousin Naomi is in Java (where that big earthquake was) she is fine.
Then we are at today. Well today's news is that firstly there will not be anyone coming from Surrey to take my place (so I officially finish on the 13th) and secondly that Helen has (finally) booked her tickets over here so will be coming to visit this weekend- so exciting.
OK well I'm off to try to get friday and monday off work so I can spend some time with Helen.
Day tripper yeah
Saturday I was up uncharacteristically early. 8:15 saw me clambering into Morgan's car as we (me Morgan and Suzanne) set out for a grand day out. Once more I managed to get labeled as the Navigator (as on out trip to Mount Saint Michel), though this time the maps available were... minimal. You know how on the front of maps they show "This map in context" where you have the major roads marked in the surrounding areas- well that's what we were using!!
After about an almost two hours and 4.1 euros in toll we arrived in Veules-les-roses. This is an immensely cute little village with the shortest river in France. We managed to find the river source and the 'Cresson' that was in it.

The Cresson where they farm some kind of water plant for eating. We weren't entirely sure what it was but the name suggests that it might have been water cress.

We then went walking through the village- soooo pretty. We saw loads of water wheels (Suzanne and I weren't sure if that was what they were really called in English- I think we have been away for too long!)

We met a local guy who was there with his horses who were having a bit of a paddle

This guy also pointed out the trout in the water. We had seen a sign saying there were fish but hadn't spotted any. However once we knew what we were looking for we found that there were loads of them, all in perfectly straight lines swimming against the current

Halfway along the river is the cutest tea room. The front was like a fairytale with a castle kind of entrance, a large gateway with gathered curtains framing it and climbing plants covering the walls.

So we went and I had the most expensive cup of tea I have ever had (5euros!!).

But it was such a lovely experience that I really didn't mind. It was the kind of place where you could completely forgot about reality, forget about work, forget that there is anything as dirty and noisy as a city. We sat out on the terrace with the river running along just the other side of the wall, the tinkle of the courtyard fountain and the cheep of the sparrows.

After our refreshing stop we continued on next to the river until we final hit the sea. Now how many people can say that they have ever walked right from the source of a river all the way down to the sea?
After a stop at the view point we jumped back in the car and drove on to Fecamp where we had lunch. Then it was off to Etretat. Now Etretat is a tourist town through and through but unfortunately for us Saturday saw the visit of a traveling fair in the town. This meant there were fewer parking spaces and more people trying to use the few that were left! We did find a spot in the end though and headed down to the beach.
There for the first time that day we got a glorious bit of sun, so we of course plonked ourselves down to soak up some rays (with the help of the sun cream I had optimistically put in my bag). Unfortunately once the sun went behind a cloud it was a bit too cold to stay so we hiked up the cliff to a little church we had seen from the beach.

It was quite windy up there

You could see for miles from up there, the chalk cliffs around the bay and the cool arches that the sea had made in them.

We decided to go back home via the 'Pont de normandie' or the Normandyy bridge. This however meant going through Le Harve. Now the map we had for Le Harve was detailed enough to show all the roads in the town, however it wasn't detailed enough to give the street names of all these roads. So it is safe to say that very soon I had no idea which road we were on. However one of the nice things about coastal towns is that the sea provides a nice orientation point, so despite having not a clue how we did it we made it right through the entire town without incident and found some handy signs to follow to the bridge.
Once over the bridge we made our final stop of the day in Honfleur where we had dinner. We found a little restaurant next to the port and I had my first taste of mussels. Mussels and chips are a regional specialty and I really felt that I shouldn't leave France without trying some mussels. However the idea of putting one in my mouth makes my stomach turn- they look like they are going to be all slimy and... eeuugh. I don't eat mushrooms for the same reason, I have come to quite like the taste but the texture just- well not thanks. So I compromised and had mussel soup! Neither Morgan or I were that impressed by it but the rest of the meal was delicious. We also had fun confusing the waiters by switching from English to French during our conversations. hee hee.
I was glad I was driving home because I was so full from dinner and tired from the day that I was almost asleep the whole way home- in fact I possibly did fall asleep. So when we finally made it back to the Foyer and to bed I was out like a light.
OK I admit it I'm a Eurovision fan!! I happen to think it's a lot of fun and makes for an entertaining evening (especially if you have nothing better to do). However this year I had to watch it without Terry Wogan :( instead I had a couple of French guys who were entertaining- but not even in the same league as our Terry!
I did for once get to vote for the UK though. And for those of you who might be thinking "You actually voted for that" well yes. I felt that just on the principle of the matter I should vote for the UK. Also my credit is nearing the end of it's time limit so I might as well use it on something before it expires!!!
In other news since I last wrote:
Well Wednesday I went to see the Da Vinci Code (I know that's not since I last wrote but I hadn't yet told you all that fact). My review- it's OK. I thought it was too long, as in I was wishing for it to hurry up and finish. Some of the things that work so well on paper just didn't quite translate onto film. However it is not awful and if you were planning to go and see it do, don't let the reviews put you off- it's not that bad.
On Friday in youth group we had a big long chat about the Da Vinci Code
It turned out that I was the only one who had read the book and seen the film (or the only one who admitted to it). We had a big chat about how the priory of sion, although sited as real by Dan Brown is actually fictional. We looked at a number of secular (non-Christian) articles examining why the book was pure fiction and how it just couldn't happen.
If you don't want any spoilers skip down to the next set of stars.
It was really nice to have an authoritive figure confirm what I had been thinking as well.
The main story point is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and they had a daughter and that the descendants of Jesus are alive today. This is supposed to be a big secret that the catholic church is hushing up because it would ruin the church if the secret was discovered.
However I was totally confused as to why this was such a secret. I wondered if I had missed the point somewhere because all I could think was "So what?"
It is fairly clear from the bible that Jesus wasn't married. However why would it matter if he was? Jesus was fully human and fully God, and as a human there is nothing more natural that being married. It also wouldn't change anything of the cross or the resurrection or anything.
I was so glad to hear someone else say that because I was wondering if I was a bad Christian because I thought this- I mean all the rest of the church seems to be up in arms about the book. The only reason I think there is to complain is this section of the catholic church who are portrayed as murdering assassins (not sure why I had to specify that the assassins were murdering but hey).
Jamel concluded the evening by saying "We know Jesus wasn't married, but he could have been and it wouldn't have changed anything"
The rest of my weekend was rather uneventful. I found my bike had a puncture, did laundry, had a picnic at church, got caught in torrential rain on the way home from choir and worked through my entire 'workout with Wayne sleep' DVD- I was knackered afterwards!!
Then this morning I helped Ana take her stuff to the tram stop and then bid her farewell as she headed back to Spain. So now our group has shrunk down to 5. Only a few weeks more till I only head home- how strange is that!
Well this post is directed to a certain best friend- Mr Jon Carter, who informed us yesterday that he has got enganged!!!!
So a huge congrats to Jon and Laura.
Oh how exciting :D
Guillaume- end of the saga (I hope)
Well in response to my 'really don't want it to be just us' text. I got a very sensible grown-up response saying "Not a problem, if that's how you would prefer it" pheww. Sounds like it might be OK :S
Guillaume- the saga continues
OK so after my little 'lets invite everyone out' idea I got the following text:
"Hi Sarah, are you free tomorrow evening to go out just to two of us- as friends?"
Well the truth is no I'm not free and secondly I don't want to go out just the two of us. Jen (the girl through who I met guillaume) and I had a bit of a chat and descided that straight up was best so my reply was:
"Sorry I'm not free, I have a leaving party for a friend also I'd rather go out with friends, like with Jen and Julien"
I feel so sorry for the guy because I can imagaine what a reponse like that would feel like, but I can't lead him on to think that it is just because I already had plans. So I feel like poo but there is a small chance that now he gets the message. hmmmm
Well this morning I got a nice e-mail (well two in fact) telling me that I have been voted in as the new Chair for LINKs next year. I had put together a little power point presentation for everyone which apparently people liked. I know it will be quite a lot of effort what with it being my final year as well, but I have the legend that is Tony Stone as my Vice and two guys who I haven't actually met yet as treasurer and duties officer. Tony seems to think they'll be good so I think it will be fun.
Well in other news it is probably about time that I introduced you all to Guillaume- my fan.
One of my mates Jen is going out with a guy called Julian, and JulianÂs best friend is Guillaume. Now the four of us have been out together a couple of times and after the first time Jen came up to me and said "I'm supposed to ask you what you think of Guillaume". Well I had met the guy twice and spoken all of about 3 words to him each time- what was I supposed to say. So Jen was sent back with a "Your nice but no" message and I thought that would be it. Oh how wrong was I. Through Jen I get to hear what he has been saying about me and stuff, and apparently there has been a fair amount said.
It carried on with him asking Jen for my number. I would have said no but I didn't see how I could go out with them again if I had said no, and I have fun with them so I gave him my number with strict instructions to Jen that she was to say it's just as a friend and that I don't like speaking on the phone in French so he should send texts (this btw isgeniuss because it means I don't have to say much and I can selectively choose when I reply!!).
So next day I get a "Do you want to go out some time" text. So my response? "Sure I'll have a chat with Jen and found out when she and Julian are free". Jen said he was rather upset that I had 'miss-understood'.
Then last night in keeping with the whole idea of it just being a group of friends go out for a drink (rather than the weird double dating feel it had before) I invited France and Morgan to the pub as well. A certain somebody was rather un-impressed. His face was a picture when we all turned up. I feel really bad because I don't want to be mean but I'm completely not interested. If anyone has any smart ideas of how to make sure he knows that please let me know.
answers on a postcard (or in the comments!!)
J'étais malade
OK I have a better excuse this time for not updating over the last week- I've been ill and with no internet chez moi that means no blogging.
Tuesday I was feeling a bit like someone had a vice around my temples, but Wednesday saw me waking up with a lovely temperature. So I took a trip to doctor Piquery's once more. This time was much less stressful than last time, I phoned up on my own, organised an appointment and got there without crying (after last time this is a mahusive improvement). The doctors does confuse me though, they have a lift in the building but it starts on the first floor (rather than the ground)- I do wonder what the point is.
Anyway Dr Piquery was very nice once more, and gave me the rest of the week off and "something a little stronger than paracetamol" for my headache and fever. So I went back to my room and settled down for my day of reading and DVD watching. Annoyingly I had finished my reading book on Monday, so out came my trusty HPB, nothing like dreaming up HP theories to keep you entertained through the day [HP= Harry Potter and HBP= Half blood prince aka book 6]. Needless to say I had completed my read through by the end of the day.
Thursday I didn't set an alarm and slept till 1 (13:00) only waking once to close the window on the noisy students. The foyer is a private high school during the day and I swear those kids never shut up!!!
Friday I had every intention of going to work (yes I was bored enough to want to) but I felt like poo so didn't, instead I did a bit of laundry and read a book that France lent me.
Saturday I was out and about- in short bursts with rests in between. I went out got new watching material- I had exhausted most of what I had. I also changed the oil on my bike chain, that was immense fun and wonderfully mucky.
Sunday made it to church- nearly fell asleep I was so tired but I got both there are back.
So now it's Monday and I'm much better, though still nackered!! I think I'm gonna keep up the good old early night routine I've gotten into.
Hello all. Just to asure you that I am still alive- life has just been amazingly routine resulting in really not much to write about. I have however enjoyed the last two mondays off due to national holidays, yay.
I read some sad new today about the fate of the blue smartie. I read an article on sky news saying that blue smaties are to be discontinued due to the fact that they can't make them without artificial colourings. Now I haven't had smarties for quite a while (generally avoiding nestle stuff) but even so I think this is a sad loss, as the blue ones were my fav :(
how sad.