seven things

I was having a mosessy at Cat's blog and saw that I was one of her 7 people to challenge to do the same, so I though I would.
Seven things to do before I die
- Get trained up to technition level with St John Ambulance (technition= ambulance worker, almost the same level as paramedic. This is the highest level that St John trains internally)
- Learn to drive
- Read all of the 100 books from the BBC's big read
- Get teacher training qualification
- Get married (well find a bloke first)
- Become completely fluent in french
- Sing in the west end (on stage not just randomly in the street)
Seven things I cannot do
- Fly a plane
- Stay angry for long
- Avoid at least mouthing the words to really good songs (I normally sing)
- Understand the appeal of going out with the intention of getting drunk
- do even a single press-up 'properly'
- Sit still for very long (I am forever shifting possitions in my chair- even at work)
- Reach the top shelf of my wardrobe.
Seven things that attract me to my spouse
This one is very tricky as I'm single! so instead I'm going to use Cat's extra one
Seven CDs I love
- Casting crowns- Casting crowns
- Lifehouse- lifehouse (seeing a pattern?)
- Swing while your winning- Robbie Williams
- Glimpses of Glory- Soul survivor live
- On ne change Pas (disk 1)- CĂ©line Dion
- King Arthur soundtrack- composed by Hans Zimmer
- Garden state soundtrack- various
Seven things I say
- Fairy snuff
- Mahusive
- Cooleos
- Grooveyfied
- *Really* *Are you sure* (well there had to be one from rach in there somewhere)
- Pants
- Je ne comprends pas
Seven books I love(hard to pick just 7)
- Only you can save mankind- Terry Pratchet (best version is the audio book voiced by tony Robinson)
- The Secret Garden- Frances Hodgson Burnett
- The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle- Avi
- The **** of Adventure (series)- Enid Blyton
- The wheel of time series- Robert Jordan
- Anne of Green gables- Lucy Maud Montgomery
- The chronicles of Narnia (series)- CS Lewis
Seven movies I watch over again and again(how can I choose just 7!?!)
- Romeo + Juliet
- Peter Pan (live action version)
- Titanic
- Moulin Rouge
- X2
- Pirates of the Carribean
- Hook
Seven people I want to take up the seven thing chalenge.
I want everyone who reads this to give it a go. If you have a blog stick the address in the comments so we can all have a look. If you don't just stick you version in a comment and post it here. It's harder than you might first think.
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