Harry Potter

Well yes I know yesterday I was telling you all about my problem of having no time due to thie silly report I have to write. However I think there are some things that just have to be done regardless. Going to see long awaited movies is one of them. I was going to wait until I had finished my report, but when Elaine called me and asked if I wanted to go, well I wasn't going to say no now was I! So we went and sat through tonnes of adverts before finally getting to see Harry Potter et la coupe de feu, yeah it was in french. So now for any that are interested here is sarah's little reveiw:
As a film it is really quite good (the others really enjoyed it). However as someone who knows the books really well I found parts of it imencely irritating, just because of the chances they made and deviations from the book. This of course was expected to some extent because films just have to do it, but some of them I couldn't work out why they had to do it.
All in all though it is a good film and I did enjoy myself. I'll probably end up going to see it in english when it comes out over here.
Next one to see is Narnia which I am imencely excited about. Unfortunately it doesn't come out here until December 21st, but hey from the looks of the trailers it will be worth the wait.
Hmmm strange just seen a christmas tree walking down the corridor! Oh ok it's Anne with the office christmas decorations. Chocolate time me thinks- door six today.
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