Well the saga of my Report continues. I knew I had to get my report read by my supervisor before sending it off. I assumed however that he would just take 5 minutes to go through it with me, but no.... I was told a list of people to e-mail it to and told to give them 'till Wednesday to read it and check over it. Problem is that it has to be at the university on Friday. Those with quick maths will realized that gives me almost no time to post it. To get next day delivery to England could cost me tonnes. Probably going to have to e-mail it to parents in England and get them to post it!
However after e-mailing the report all over the department it meant it was out of my hands for a couple of days. So for the first time in a month I had no work to worry about over the weekend- it was great.
Friday was quite exciting because my friend Elaine from the foyer came along to choir and youth group. I think she enjoyed it coz she said she was going to come again next week.
Saturday I got up early (well early for me considering it was a Saturday), did three loads of washing, discovered that if you tumble dry laundry you really have to iron it afterwards. Normally I hang everything on hangers round my room and all the creases hang out, so I don't need to iron. However due to the choir singing I needed a clean and dry white shirt and black trousers. So everything went in the dryer and came out looking rather wrinkly!! I might end up looking like a tramp until my next wash unless I manage to steal an iron off someone.
After my laundry Elaine and I got the bus to Mondville. It has the most mahusive (massive+huge) Carrefour with loads of shops round it- like a toys 'r' us!!! How much fun!!! So we had a good mooch, I got some shoes (after wearing them halfway round the store to try them out- much to Elaine's amusement), and some random food bits. By the time we got to the check out I became very glad I wasn't alone- I had left my bank card in the Jacket I wore in the morning. So I smiled sweetly at Elaine and paid her back when we got home. Saturday also had a bit of a downer as I got a call from my mum saying that one of my friends has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. But I know God can heal and today I know I big group of people from my home church are using today as a day of prayer for them. So if you too are a praying person please pray for my friend.
Sunday was another choir performance, which went swimmingly. After church a group of people stayed to help make props and costumes and stuff for the big Christmas service next week. As they were planning to be there for a while they had a picnic before hand. Nina, Maria and I also stayed- The others had Math problems to work through and I couldn't be bothered to watch home! So instead after my food I left the other two working and I played with some of the kids who had stayed with their parents. At one point I was sitting having a four year old playing with my hair and being attacked by a big black retriever dog (I was sitting on the floor with in retch distance from where he was tied, so I can't blame him for wanting to play). So I had to pick up the little girl carry her away from the dog (while she was still desperately clinging to my hair to keep what she had done) just so I didn't get licked to death! It was so much fun. After that we had choir practice- we are now singing 6 songs (some with the congregation) where as we were originally doing 3! Willianne and I had fun working out some harmonies for them.
Finally home, food and bed.
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