Getting back into the swing of things
Well as you might have picked up from yesterday's post, life has very quickly got back to its jam packed busy self.
Wednesday I wasn't feeling too bright so didn't do anything. Thursday night I was out with Jen and some of her students. Friday was choir and youth group. Saturday I slept till 10, but have decided that I am going to try this year to get up once I wake up so I don't loose a whole day slobbing in bed. I thought telling myself I wasn't going to sleep in on Saturdays was a little over ambitious. So I got up did some laundry, went to the post office (queuing for forever in the process) and watched 'la vie est belle'. It's an Italian film but I have only ever heard the French title. But this DVD could play Italian audio or French and would add French subtitles, so I just maxed out on the frenchness and actually found that watching with the subtitles was at times hugely more easy to understand. Tis a very good film- highly recommend it. Then in the afternoon Elaine, Christina and I went Ice skating with Jen and her students. Jen's students are from the technical college (so firstly are all guys, though they bring other friends as well so there are girls there), and they range in age from about 19 to 23. So hanging out with them seems so normal, because they are so like my boys back home in many ways. In fact a couple of them are doing the same course as me. Ice skating was fantastic fun and we are all planning to go again :)
Then the evening rounded off (and morning began) with a trip to the bar.
Sunday was a bit of a sad day, partly because I completely failed to understand the sermon (well when I got lost at the beginning I just switched off) but mainly because it was Maria's last Sunday with us. Maria is German and has been studying Maths at the university here as part of an exchange scheme called the Razmus scheme. She has been in the choir for months and is one of my good friends. So as a good bye the youth had a picnic after church. We all brought bits and bobs to eat. I discovered that the church cooker is rubbish- the water for the pasta I was cooking never even managed to boil, so the pasta tasted a bit washed out! But it was great, laughing and joking around. And I got to try 'galette des rois' for the first time.
This is a cake that they French eat to celebrate the coming of the kings in the Christmas story. It is a marzipan based pasty affair and is supper yum. As a special twist each of the pie/cakes comes with a paper crown and has a little porcelain figure hidden inside it. If you are the person who finds the figure in you slice you are the king for the day and get to wear the crown. We had two galettes so we ended up with a king and queen- Remi and Armelle.

The little porcelain figures turned out to be Harry potter themed (much to the disgust of one of the group, who sees Harry Potter as the epitome of all evil!!!). We got Hermionie and the golden egg (think Goblet of fire, second task)

Then when we were all fed and water till we could eat no more it was a short choir practice then home.

Wednesday I wasn't feeling too bright so didn't do anything. Thursday night I was out with Jen and some of her students. Friday was choir and youth group. Saturday I slept till 10, but have decided that I am going to try this year to get up once I wake up so I don't loose a whole day slobbing in bed. I thought telling myself I wasn't going to sleep in on Saturdays was a little over ambitious. So I got up did some laundry, went to the post office (queuing for forever in the process) and watched 'la vie est belle'. It's an Italian film but I have only ever heard the French title. But this DVD could play Italian audio or French and would add French subtitles, so I just maxed out on the frenchness and actually found that watching with the subtitles was at times hugely more easy to understand. Tis a very good film- highly recommend it. Then in the afternoon Elaine, Christina and I went Ice skating with Jen and her students. Jen's students are from the technical college (so firstly are all guys, though they bring other friends as well so there are girls there), and they range in age from about 19 to 23. So hanging out with them seems so normal, because they are so like my boys back home in many ways. In fact a couple of them are doing the same course as me. Ice skating was fantastic fun and we are all planning to go again :)
Then the evening rounded off (and morning began) with a trip to the bar.
Sunday was a bit of a sad day, partly because I completely failed to understand the sermon (well when I got lost at the beginning I just switched off) but mainly because it was Maria's last Sunday with us. Maria is German and has been studying Maths at the university here as part of an exchange scheme called the Razmus scheme. She has been in the choir for months and is one of my good friends. So as a good bye the youth had a picnic after church. We all brought bits and bobs to eat. I discovered that the church cooker is rubbish- the water for the pasta I was cooking never even managed to boil, so the pasta tasted a bit washed out! But it was great, laughing and joking around. And I got to try 'galette des rois' for the first time.
This is a cake that they French eat to celebrate the coming of the kings in the Christmas story. It is a marzipan based pasty affair and is supper yum. As a special twist each of the pie/cakes comes with a paper crown and has a little porcelain figure hidden inside it. If you are the person who finds the figure in you slice you are the king for the day and get to wear the crown. We had two galettes so we ended up with a king and queen- Remi and Armelle.

The little porcelain figures turned out to be Harry potter themed (much to the disgust of one of the group, who sees Harry Potter as the epitome of all evil!!!). We got Hermionie and the golden egg (think Goblet of fire, second task)

Then when we were all fed and water till we could eat no more it was a short choir practice then home.

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