Wednesday, May 25, 2005

No going back now. I spoke to my dad on Monday and he has booked the ferry for me to move all my stuff. The really bizzare thing is that it is costing an extra £1.50 to take me and leave me, than it would cost for a return jorney!!! Where is the logic in that?

Other than laughing at the sillyness of ferry prices, I have spent the last week burried up to my ears in notes. Thankfully though I only have one more exam left- on Friday. Although they have not gone brilliantly I'm not too fussed because in the exam I had on Monday I got to write about cows getting electricuted in lightning storms!!!! It put me in a good mood for the rest of the day :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Well I haven't really got any news but I have been told by bobcat that I need to write someting!!

The past week has been revision, revision, revision. My first exam was yesterday- Digital. Wasn't too bad, though it left my brain feeling like mush!!!

Today is the day I should be revising the hardest as my hardest exam is tomorrow. But as you can see there are always more exciting things to do than revise, hee hee.

Monday, May 09, 2005

It looks like I finaly have a leaving date (Wednesday 5th June), place to live and insurance cover for while I'm out in France!!

Today has been a fair bit of phoning for both Mum and I but we have finaly worked out what insurance I need (it is all a little confusing if you ask me) and how much it will be. Mum has also spoken to a lovely lady at the "Foyer de Jeunes Travailleuses l'Oasis" - try saying that with a mouth full of marbles! and I think that's where I will be living (I will give people the full address when I get it).

So all in all it has been a very preductive day- except for all the revision that didn't quite get done :S oops.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

I have finally started doing something about my accomodation for next year (well I got mum to phone up some places for me). I think I'm going to be living in kind of the French equivalent of a youth hostal type thing- but to be honest I don't really know much about it!

I think I'm quite lucky in as much as I know someone who has done the exact same placement as me. Helen (who I know through LINKS) was at the exact same company doing the job that I'm going to be doing, two years ago. so I have been piled with info about what I need to get, where I need to get it from and how much it might cost. So I am currently sitting at home, having lugged all this stuff back up to London, hoping to go through it all with Mum- because unfortunately it is all in french, so I understand very little!!!!!

Oh well it will be an adventure :)